It Was a Very Good Year (2 x CD)


The third Meinschaft album “It Was a Very Good Year”. A nearly 1.5 hour-long extended trip through the (un)reality overload, unfolding over the course of 2 compact discs. Cinematically visionary in scope, sonority, style, and high drama/tragicomedy; a perfumed love letter to the CURRENT SITUATION.

The album was designed in collaboration with FKA ICE, featuring artwork by Shannon Cartier Lucy and Brad Troemel.

Guest performances from FKA ICE, Matt Nelson (sax), Mike Pride, Jack Wright, Dixon Blake Callahan, Zach Darrup, and others.

Bonus track remixes by Cube and Rick Weaver.

“Standing atop a mountain of iniquity and surveying the well-groomed lifeforms below, ‘It Was a Very Good Year’ urinates off a cliff into the stream of tradition and daydreams a cooler, crueler world. 18+2 tracks of metal textured rock and roll golems, gruesome 20th c. chimæræ, Byronic vampirism, as well as some good-old-fashioned chuckles.”